The goal: We want to generate the superhuman of tomorrow — image what would happen if we could increase productivity across society just a 15%. What would that look like? We are looking for an OKR of 50% per individual as a goal. This is worth it.

The making of a new calendar

How do you categorise calendars? Seems a very easy question to answer (perhaps might even seem stupid to ask) but one that you must ask yourself when you start building your own calendar.

And more importantly, which one should you pick?

Some of the ways to categorise calendars I’ve been able to think, implement, try or read about. (btw - if you know more, let me know)

  1. You can categorise the tasks in them as projects and tasks which are part of them.[In the same calendar]

  2. You can categorise them as goals. With a set date and an amount of steps. [Still in the same calendar]

  3. You can have one calendar only and pipe everything in there. Tags can help. [Yadda, yadda]

  4. You can have the same + multiple calendars

  5. You can categorise the tasks in each calendar grouped as projects and tasks which are part of them.

  6. You can categorise them as goals. With a set date and an amount of steps. [Still in the same calendar]

Seems there is an underlying thing playing a part here. Unseen to the eye but obviously there.

Can you guess what is it? It’s Multi-tasking vs single threaded tasking.

However! Fret not …this gets even more complicated. One follow-on question to ask then is:

Is having multiple projects in your life multi-tasking?

There is a dichotomy of opinions here. I would argue, however, every person has multiple projects at any point in life and wouldn’t categorise them as multi-tasking.

Isn’t life multi-tasking all along?


People should be run by their own calendar and not by a TODOs list and surely not by their email and externalities. People run by their calendars will decide what gets in them.

A calendar which gets all the TODOs, spaces them on time and forces you to execute on them. A high-level overview of the tasks to do on a day to day basis and a few other views are necessary.

Some features we think might be valuable: - Templates for work/life/health/family balance and calendar to adjust accordingly. - Add indexes and reports to it. - Auto generate schedule, feedback the schedule into the calendar intelligence (intel for short) and add the results.


Real time, day time, Week time, month time, year time, 5 year time view. Views are something that’s totally missing.

Feature ideas

When an email is sent, it’s added to a list and add a page button to ask if you expect a reply from it and schedule that in the calendar as a reminder.

Connection with email and docs is key. As well as a marketplace of integrations.

Is this task finished: yes/no —> if no it goes back to a backlog. Priorities, this is something missing…

Meetings usually have results, so you can add notes or link(s), pre and post notes, pre and post files, etc. This then moves onto events have states and following actions…

Remember, productivity doesn’t always feel productive. But certainly productivity today is not moving the neddle forward.


1) Calendar events have linkable things like a person - this comes from an email and so on

Each calendar event should have actions from it or to it both if done or not. Events are complex.

Apps doing x functionality should be launching at x points in time and you shouldn’t be controlled by your Mac or your memory…

2) Your life is waiting to be scheduled Just think on the things you want to do: “I really want to go see this thing” or “I really want to go to this place” or other not in-time information. What do you do with that information?

Put it on a note? Put it on a reminder? Use a service to send you something in the future like people did before with letters? Maybe Put it on a calendar and prey you will have time by then to go? And if the time passes and you can’t, then what? Keep post postponing it further into the future until you forget?

You get it right? The point I’m trying to make is simple. Calendars are not evolving.


T = L * (n-1)Time
Rt = T - (% of time)
E = Rt - T
C = [E, E, E, E, ... E-1]
C = T = L

T = Time
L = Life (life time)
Rt = Remaining Time
E = Event
C = Calendar