To make calendars better, it’s not such a difficult pursuit. Let’s start by a bit of historic views with some reasoning intermingled.

What are calendars?

Calendars are a way to organise activities bound to a time frame.

X activity will take X minutes or X hours or X days or X weeks, etc.

We lay these activities on our representation (break down) of time. That is in nuggets of minutes, and hours - what can be seen grouped (time) and activity assigned into timeblocks.

Then we have the usual breakdown in days, weeks, months, quarters, years, and decades. We don’t tend to go much further (for planning) than that for physical constraints on how much we can project in the future and how much we usually live.

Where do calendars come from?

Calendars are very old and the essence of these has not changed. When we started having offices and going to offices these became more ubuquituous and have now widespread adoption.

Then there was the raise of the agenda, the palm pilot, and such.

All of these have still the same goal, they are just different ways to experience and work with timeblocks. We also have different “views” and ways to interact with the same activity.

And then there was the computer

Computerised calendars include calendars with multiple view (daily, weekly, monthly, sometimes yearly). The daily view of these is what would be an agenda.

All these we can call the “classical” views and have not changed in ages. They are good and have stand the test of time. However, how we work has dramatically changed but these views have not.