The primary goal of this section is not for you to read but for me to remember. If this helps you find something/someone interesting so much the better.

Why don’t I bookmark or use an rss reader? Bookmarks fail quite badly[1] and get mixed with work stuff and different interests (from the future and from the past so you need to do lots of housekeeping) which defies the purpose of them in the first place.

On the other hand, rss readers -unless you’re very minimalistic and only subscribe to a couple pages - get clogged fairly quickly and usually they are indexed by most recent which means if one of the people you follow gets too excited and starts writing non-stop, he will effectively be shadowing other people’s stuffs. Obviously, not a perfect solution. (I know you can fine-tune the behavior but I want to think not do housekeeping.)

So if you have a better idea on this and want to share it with, you can email me at isaac [at] mammbo [dot] com.

Without further ado, in no order other than it comes to mind. Paul Graham

1 Now if you go and create a bookmarking system that just plainly works I’ll be one of your first users - not counting how much grateful I’ll be, like eternally grateful. But it does need to work though, and work well. And not get on your way of doing things, etc. etc.